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X先生(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)可谓是一名业绩丰厚的毒品贩卖精英,然而在他正想功成名就提前退休的时候,买卖却没这么轻易放过他。他的大客户吉米(肯内斯·库兰汉姆 Kenneth Cranham 饰)给他带来了两单交易:找到竞争对手埃迪(迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon 饰)失踪了的女儿,同时帮助公爵将手里的巨量摇头丸顺利出手。这次任务看似小菜一碟,然而在追踪埃迪女儿的过程中,X先生竟从埃迪口中得知此事另有蹊跷。吉米原来是警方卧底,此次行动就是为了使X先生锒铛入狱。而当X先生在着手第二个任务时,又无意中发现公爵因为这批摇头丸而与心狠手辣的塞族人结怨。随着事态发展,X先生发现自已已不知不觉深入险境,他心目中那个平静的晚年似乎已变得越来越遥远和艰难,如同他的名字一般,能否从危机中全身而退才是眼前最大的未知数……
  The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is…    The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence. Streaming September 8, only on Hulu.